
„Van Wijn tot oorbel“

„Een ode aan verbinding“

„Kauwen op een Chardonnay“

„Rentree de Chardonnay“

„Deze goddelijke wijnzeep zal je doen denken aan een wandeling op blote voeten met een glas witte wijn, in vers gemaaid gras.“

„Een bijzonder, upcycling concept. Cheers!“


„Was je met wijn“

„Cadeaus die passen in
een schoenendoos“

„Druif onder de douche“

„Wine happy hour onder de douche, daar word ik vrolijk van.“

„Great accessory that will enchant groups of friends.“
„Wat Rituals doet met zeep, wil Vinoos doen met winegums.“
„Try it with cheese. Delicious!“

„Another Merlot?!“

„All the joy of that first sip with none of the alcohol. Does that sound like a dream?“
„They are also looking to broaden the offering to introducing a gin flavored treat. We can’t wait to try that one“
„You can taste your favorite wine on the go with no fear of over-indulging.“
„The Real Wine gums, both taste and generate the same relaxed feeling as a glass of wine.“
„In de stijl van Anish Kapoor. Minimalistisch in kleur en ontwerp“
„The real Wine Gum offers luxury brand opportunities as substitute for the ordinary peppermint.“

„It’s like taking a sip of wine. An edible drink that offers the full experience of seeing, tasting and smelling wine.“
